Blog A Quote is hosted by Michelle from Michelle Chew Writes where you share a quote from your favorite books (and you can do it any day you like)! Visit Michelle Chew Writes to sign up and submit your link.
My quote this week is from The Spellman Files (The Spellmans #1) by Lisa Lutz
“You're a terrible cook, Daniel."
"I know," he replied, "But it's the effort that counts."
"I hope that's not the slogan for your dental practice.”
― Lisa Lutz, The Spellman Files
The Spellman Series is one of my favorite series of all time. It's funny! I've read the book more than once, and the book still made me laugh! I definitely recommend this series if you like anything humorous :)
You've got a great quote up there! I'm now interested in reading the book! :D