
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Book Review: A Confusion of Princes

A Confusion of Princes
by Garth Nix

Genre: Young Adult, Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Publication: May 17th 2012, HarperCollinsChildren'sBooks
Format: Paperback, 337 pages
Purchase: A Confusion of Princes by Garth Nix
You’d think being a privileged Prince in a vast intergalactic Empire would be about as good as it gets. But it isn’t as great as it sounds. For one thing, Princes are always in danger. Their greatest threat? Other Princes. Khemri discovers that the moment he is proclaimed a Prince.

He also discovers mysteries within the hidden workings of the Empire. Dispatched on a secret mission, Khemri comes across the ruins of a space battle. In the midst of it all he meets a young woman named Raine, who will challenge his view of the Empire, of Princes, and of himself.
A Confusion of Princes by Garth Nix is a story of Khemri’s three death and how he reflected on his three lives. It reminds me a lot to video games with its concept of multiple lives. Prince Khemri was stolen from his parents in order to become a prince. There are millions other prince like him all fighting against each other and one of them will become the Emperor.

I must admit that I didn’t really enjoy A Confusion of Princes. I think that there are too many characters and most of them weren’t completely developed. It’s kinda confusing to figure out who is who and what really happen to Khemri. I didn’t enjoy the book at the first half of the book where most of it was about Khemri and his adventure – how he went to the Navy, how he went through his mission until he met Raine. But I’m guessing that I didn’t enjoy the book because I didn’t enjoy science fiction very much. Nevertheless, A Confusion of Princes is an okay book.

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